Why Sonardyne
We have been writing the future of underwater technology for over 50 years. We engineer, manufacture, service and support solutions that transform what’s possible in offshore energy, maritime defence and ocean science. We own your challenges and deliver on the promises we make.
Through investment in people, technology and footprint, we have built one of the most capable, dynamic and responsible businesses in the marine technology space. As a vertically integrated company with everything under one roof, we – together with our trusted supply chain and strategic partners – can tackle your subsea project in ways no other solutions provider can.
Hello. We are...
- A family-owned business, founded in 1971
- Specialists in acoustic, inertial, optical and sonar technologies
- Over 300 people committed to operating safely and ethically in our oceans
- Working towards to becoming carbon neutral in the UK by 2025
- Operating in six regional centres around the world exporting to over 50 countries
- Headquartered in Yateley, Hampshire
- Winners of the 2021 Queens Award for Enterprise in Innovation

Energy. Defence. Science
Our business is shaped around solving problems for energy, defence and science – each unique in their needs but sharing common goals; to work safely, efficiently, and sustainably in our oceans. These goals underpin why we innovate the way we do, and how we work with you.
Powered by people who understand
We’ve learnt much over our five decades; nothing more so than the more we understand about you, your challenge, your risk, your timescale and your budget, the more equipped we are to produce the right outcome.
So who are we? We are one team spanning sales, contracting, finance, design, manufacturing, testing, distribution, installation and support; each one of us committed to solving our piece of your puzzle. The diversity, experience and skillset of our global workforce is our biggest competitive advantage – talent that goes to work for you daily.

Innovation and technology
We’re committed to new and emerging subsea technologies that provide competitive edge to your marine operations. Sonar imaging, optical communications, Doppler and inertial navigation are today as much a part of our portfolio as the acoustic foundations of our business.
Our innovations are helping transform how industry works. Asset managers can remotely monitor the integrity of offshore structures; naval commanders can track, command and guide their robot fleets, and oceanographers can employ uncrewed vessels to gather data from unattended seafloor sensors.
Through investment in research and development of our core technologies that lead to increasingly efficient and effective products, we help you achieve more with less; less equipment in the water, less people at sea and less time from data acquisition to information insight.

Tailor-made to fit you
Buying ready-made isn’t always the best fit for what you need – and we believe this includes subsea technology. That’s where our custom projects division comes in, led by a multi-disciplined team with hundreds of years of engineering and manufacturing experience between them.
With access to our full suite of technology and product building blocks, they’re able to create bespoke, one-off solutions which blend old and new techniques, designs and components to solve almost any underwater problem in any water depth, shallow or deep.
We’re even able to build the third-party products that will incorporate our technology. It’s all part of the service.

The next generation
Through our apprenticeship schemes, partnerships with universities, and the work of The Sonardyne Foundation, we’re investing today in the engineers and scientists of tomorrow that will continue to deliver change in the marine sector.
We’re on a mission to be carbon neutral by 2025 across our UK sites. It’s an ambitious target, but with measures such as solar arrays on our headquarters building, we’re well on our way.